Dick Clark 1929-2012


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15 responses to “Dick Clark 1929-2012

  1. Sorry for reposting my comment from the previous two threads but I still do not know if the email I’m refering to came from Brian or not. Here’s the comment below the line.

    Did you send me an email?

    Checked my email just now and there was one from you. It was an empty message with a pdf attachment. I will not open it since I have no idea if you sent it or not.

    Please let me know here if indeed you did send it to me. Elsewise your email has been comprimised and is sending out a virus.

    If anyone else here has received a supposed email from Brian with no message in the body and it has a pdf attachment do not open it without confirming that it did come from Brian.

    Just a heads up all. Have a great day.

  2. About Dick Clark…
    Post over at Huffington on Clard being mistaken for Cheney.


    Wish it was Cheney instead of Dick Clark. What will New Years be like without Dick this year? Not the same anymore without him.

    Have a great day.

  3. anon, apparently my gmail account was hacked and someone sent out a bunch of spam from it. Just delete it.

  4. D,

    Here’s that Neil Young vid I told you about.

  5. tempebev

    I spent my teen years watching “Band Stand” and getting major crushes on several heart throbs. This was a great show that helped form a generation. Dick Clark had a wonderful career. He will be missed by many.

  6. Well folks it looks like I’ll be going to Louisville in about 6 weeks, accepted an offer from Norton Healthcare, will probably be there about a year and half.


  7. Agreed Bev, I choked up a bit when the news came over the TV.

    • dnd

      Dick Clark brought everything from Pat Boone to Elvis to the Supremes and everything in between to the baby boomers. He basically changed the musical landscape for a generation and for generations to come.

      ps. Credit goes to Brian for bringing to my attention that Dick Clark had passed.

  8. Brian…

    Thanks for letting me know. I did open the email, but would not open the attachment since there was nothing in the mail email body.

    I never open attachments unless I know who they are from and I am expecting them so I did not open the PDF file attachment. Now I can go and delete it.

    Hope things go well for you with your move to Kentucky, but stay safe. A women in the military went missing this weekend in one of the Southern States Military Bases States and has not been heard from since last Saturday night. I hope she turns up safely since women in the military face a lot of discrimination inside the military itself and there are a lot of weirdo’s in the marrying cousins states as inbreeding among families.

    Take care and have a great week and safe move.

  9. tempebev

    Hey Brian, you have fun down in Louisville. Maybe yo’all can go to the Derby!

  10. mint julips and grits and the Derby sounds like a lot of fun to me.

  11. before Pat Boone broke nationally he had a local show here in DFW. He was dressed as a Soda Jerk. Pat made a fair living stealing songs from those old black guys and redoing them for white bread audiences.

  12. Fond memories of American Bandstand as I was growing up. Thank you and RIP Dick Clark.

  13. MSNBC is reporting that Levon Helms passed today losing his long time battle with throat cancer. RIP Levon you were one of the good ones and certainly an original.

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