Tag Archives: Charlie Cook

In the endgame, the metrics adding up for Obama! by Horsedooty

WASHINGTON – One of the most unsettling aspects of this campaign is that for an election cycle so turbulent, with so many surprising twists and turns, over the last few days it suddenly has had the feel of concrete setting. Just seven or eight weeks ago, Sen. Barack Obama had a lead over Sen. John McCain, but it hardly seemed sure; we wondered, is this lead real, is it durable?

I have already voted and I am hoping that it doesn’t turn out that McCain is really a hero and not just a hot dog pilot. I am also hoping that it does not turn out that Obama is a Muslim. Just joking folks.



Adios para ahora, mis amigos

Yo soy un demócrata amarillo del perro.

¡yo soy Horsedooty!


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