Tag Archives: polls

Going, going, gone, the future of the GOP

That cuts to the GOP’s basic challenges finding political footing : Only 20 percent of Americans now identify themselves as Republicans, the fewest in 26 years. Just 19 percent, similarly, trust the Republicans in Congress to make the right decisions for the country’s future; even among Republicans themselves just four in 10 are confident in their own party. For comparison, 49 percent overall express this confidence in Obama, steady since August albeit well below its peak.

The Republican Party’s difficulties are shown in another result as well; in an early assessment of preference for congressional candidates in 2010, the Democrats lead by 51-39 percent.

ABC News-Washington Post Poll  October 19, 2009

If you click on the pic above you can view  party identification poll results for the past year at pollster.com.  If this trend holds up the GOP might want to start thinking about changing their mascot to the woolly mammoth!


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In the endgame, the metrics adding up for Obama! by Horsedooty

WASHINGTON – One of the most unsettling aspects of this campaign is that for an election cycle so turbulent, with so many surprising twists and turns, over the last few days it suddenly has had the feel of concrete setting. Just seven or eight weeks ago, Sen. Barack Obama had a lead over Sen. John McCain, but it hardly seemed sure; we wondered, is this lead real, is it durable?

I have already voted and I am hoping that it doesn’t turn out that McCain is really a hero and not just a hot dog pilot. I am also hoping that it does not turn out that Obama is a Muslim. Just joking folks.



Adios para ahora, mis amigos

Yo soy un demócrata amarillo del perro.

¡yo soy Horsedooty!


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Hey Chuck Todd, what the hell?, by BrianInNYC

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I for one am really started to wonder just how much MSNBC is cooking the books to keep the notion of this election being a horse race alive.  Earlier this week with much fanfare MSNBC debuted their electoral college projection map.  As the map and numbers came on the screen my first response was “what the fuck?”.  Since I check out the other online projection maps daily  I knew there was something wrong with MSNBC’s projection, to call it conservative is an understatement at best.  Look at the MSNB numbers compared to other projections available (as of 4/06/08):

Poll Obama McCain Toss up
MSNBC 210 189 139
Pollster.com 284 157 97
VoteFromAboard.org 289 236 13

RCP Electoral College
238 163 137
Zogby Electoral
College Map
273 146 119

Also why doesn’t MSNBC like the other projections tell us the source of their data is?   I leave it for you to decide is MSNBC cooking the books for entertainment value or are their numbers to be trusted?


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