Pity the Poor President, At This Time in Our History by Chef Sheila

If the 49th presidential debate didn’t clarify which candidate you support, you probably don’t really want to vote anyway. Despite the polls in Obama’s favor, we don’t know for certain whether he or John McCain will win Nov. 4. There are voters who don’t tell pollsters the truth (on race, for one thing).

Another October surprise could roil the waters again….even though I think it’s on McCain this year, as in Colin Powell’s mighty timely and thorough endorsement of Barack Obama.

We do know this is one election where the candidates are at polar opposites on nearly everything the in role of government in our lives, tax policy, foreign involvements, dealing with terrorism, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, how to get the economy stable again, what to do about spiraling foreclosures, how to stimulate jobs and what constitutes fairness in a complex society where we all want to be moral but disagree vehemently on what that means.

The Last Debate (sounds like a made-for-TV movie) showed a cool, cerebral, but dispassionate Obama against a fiery, aggressive, slightly desperate McCain.

This is not an election where the cuter one wins, where congeniality decides the day, where the guy you’d most like to have a drink with is necessarily the one you want talking to you on your TV for four years. Our skinny wallets, rising joblessness and our many young men and women in combat make that obvious. The tasks ahead are so different from those Bush faced eight years ago it is almost unbelievable or maybe surreal is more believable….

It’s hard to imagine how either Obama or McCain would feel on Jan. 20, walking into the Oval Office and seeing the buck lying on the desk. All those promises! So few resources! So many problems demanding immediate attention! It’s multi-tasking on a whole new level.

That is why we have to choose a president with a penchant for choosing good people to advise him. The next vice president, either Joe Biden or Sarah Palin, won’t be just attending funerals and checking the health of the president.

The next cabinet will have to be men and women of action, proven ability, intelligence, astonishing work habits and a well-honed ability to work with others. The next president will have more than 3,000 executive positions to fill; he must act quickly or government will stagnate.

No. 44 will have to work with a newly constituted but still Democratic Congress, not an easy task for anyone. Despite all the campaign promises, it’s Congress that actually allocates the money.

We need a president who is innovative, has amazing energy and stamina and is able to speak to us in a way that is reassuring but candid. Bush never prepared us for sacrifice; the next president will have no choice but to force us to make one tough decision after another.

There is one decision that is indefensible — the decision NOT to vote. If we don’t, we have no right to complain.



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139 responses to “Pity the Poor President, At This Time in Our History by Chef Sheila

  1. chefsheila


    I enjoyed your Guardian opinion very much! Please repost it right here so that others can enjoy

  2. nannymm

    Good morning all.
    Just read an interesting piece in The Guardian.

    The Republicans have lifted the lid off their rightwing idNow McCain’s supporters are casting Obama as anti-American. This may well scare voters, but not the way they mean to

  3. nannymm

    Good Morning, Sheila. Good post. I agree with what you say, especially your conclusion…if you don’t vote, you have nothing to complain about. I’ve been saying that to people for years, including my daughter-in-law. Finally, this year as she sees how this financial crisis is threatening her family’s future, she is going to vote for the first time ever. Needless to say, I am thrilled!
    Here is the repost you requested:

    Just read an interesting piece in The Guardian.

    The Republicans have lifted the lid off their rightwing id. Now McCain’s supporters are casting Obama as anti-American. This may well scare voters, but not the way they mean to

  4. chefsheila

    I tell ya Nanny,

    That was a hard post to write after the last couple of weeks! I’m washed out.

    But would like to remind everyone that a written peice this week is appreciated……as short or as light hearted as you like 🙂

  5. nannymm

    Well, Sheila, you’re efforts were well worth it. Now, hopefully,you can relax for a bit. Relaxing is on my agenda today. Put up 123 quarts of applesauce this weekend, made 24 pies, and 12 pints of that apple-cherry chutney recipe that Brian pointed me to. I NEED A BREAK!

  6. nannymm

    Sarah Palin is a right wing lunatic.

  7. chefsheila

    LOL Your a woman after my heart! I’m going to have to come to your house someday and help. I love doing that and I usually end up canning on my own…..I remember working ever year at canning the years “STUFF” with my mom and my grandma for days during the summer and fall. Plums, apricots, cherries, off our trees. Zuchinni canned, made into bread, made into butter. Apples, made into filling and canned, spiced……I loved it and try to give this to whom ever I am working for now….of course my family gets some too.

  8. dog's eye view

    nanny: what do you do with 24 pies?

    Kudos to you and Sheila on the canning and cooking — wish I lived closer to both of you!!

  9. chefsheila

    Palin represents the scariest bunch of Americans I have witnessed in my lifetime.

    I was explaining it all to my mother yesterday…..all I had to say was about Michelle Bachman and the “Terrorist” calls at rallies. “Socialist” stuff….

    My mothers in shock, covered her mouth with wide fearful eyes and said, “My God, not again!”. “Thats McCarthyism”….

  10. chefsheila

    Hi Victoria! You were spammed and I just released you. Welcome and feel free to start a conversation! We’re a neighborhood.

  11. chefsheila

    Nanny, next time just shout out that your stuff went to the spam filter. 🙂 I just released them

  12. dnd

    Shelia, great post. While I feel voting is a civic duty, people who don’t vote don’t bother me. If that’s their attitude, they’d probably make bad decisions anyway. What bugs me ill-informed, misinformed or uninformed voters.

  13. chefsheila

    ……you mean a “Low Information Voter”? I love that definition.

  14. dnd

    123 quarts of applesauce? No wonder you’re tired. You must have an industrial stove!

  15. nannymm

    LOL..I didn’t know where it went , Sheila. Wonder why it went to spam.

    As for 24 pies, I gave some away and froze the rest unbaked.
    I have 2 30cu ft freezers that I stock for winter. Zucchini, pumpkin, and apple bread; fruit pies; blanched veggies from my garden; fish (mostly trout) from the river behind my house; and other things like pestos and sauces I’ve made. And, of course, PIZZA! Every few months, I make lots of pizzas and freeze them for Canyon and his friends to snack on.

  16. nannymm

    I have a restaurant stove in my canning kitchen. And 4 ovens.
    I cook ALOT!

  17. chefsheila

    You and I need to go into business together…. ;0) Do the farmers market circuit. I made a lot of money doing that. A great way to suppliment income and so much fun meeting people.

  18. chefsheila

    All the lying I hear from Mccain’s mouth. Saying Obama Campaign are attacking Joe The Plumber……

  19. nannymm

    I’d love to do something like that. People always tell me i should open a restaurant but I’m not sure I’m the right person to do that. I’m too picky.

  20. nannymm

    Mc Cain is looking more and more desperate, isn’t he? That Guardian article is right. This is all going to backfire on them big time.

  21. chefsheila

    Restaurants ARE hard. Farmers markets are a pleasure and so is canning and cooking.

  22. nannymm

    Do you cook work in a restaurant, Sheila?

  23. chefsheila

    …oh yes Nanny……not fo rme. Its very hard work, very low wage, and very monotinous….

  24. nannymm

    I give you credit. I have a friend who used to cook for a very nice restaurant and it always seemed to me like it was slave labor. Long hours, hard and back-breaking work, and the pay was lousy One good thing came of it..she married one of the owners. LOL

    Palin is on now..had to mute the TV. Her voice grates on me. Plus she has nothing to say that’s worth listening to.

  25. chefsheila

    I was just listening to her……nothing there..just nothing there. I mean, she’s a mouth piece and that is all.

    I never want to see a restaurant ever again….hopefully, I won’t.

  26. nannymm

    Check this out.

    “Fox News is expected to announce today the hiring of a new contributor, a veteran national security correspondent who has shared a Pulitzer Prize.
    Her name is Judith Miller, and she is nothing if not controversial. Miller left the New York Times in 2005 after testifying in the trial of former White House aide Lewis “Scooter” Libby that he had leaked her information about a CIA operative. Miller’s conduct in the case, which led to her serving 85 days in jail for initially refusing to testify, drew rebukes from the Times executive editor and some of her colleagues.”

    Silly me! I thought we’d seen the last of her.

  27. dnd

    She’s probably preoccupied with her appointment with an investigator this week:

    “ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) ― Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband will meet this week with an investigator determining whether she violated state ethics law when firing her public safety director.”


  28. horsedooty


    Chef Sheila is a private chef for some uber rich in the NW.

  29. chefsheila

    My mouth is slack jawed at that announcement…..

    I mean, Judith Miller made a mistake and I thought we would see her someday with the book or some other writing…..but to go to the darkside….

  30. chefsheila

    lol @ dnd

  31. chefsheila

    Yes doots! I’m getting ready for the move down to Palm Springs this next Sunday….have to take the dogs down in the Mrs car…… 😦

  32. nannymm

    I wouldn’t mind cooking for some rich people. Especially if they had a yacht and a villa on the Mediterranean. LOL

  33. chefsheila

    I just have to state….after watching the SNL clips for two days.

    Palin was not warm or happy to be there. Its was plastic and not a little bit cold.

    Believe me, I’m trying to see fun.

  34. nannymm

    She didn’t want to be there. Is it true that she refused to do the skit they originally wrote for her?

  35. chefsheila

    I don’t know, I’ll have to google to see what comes up….

    Bachman is dangerous and so are the ones that are surfacing…….

  36. Okay this is fun if you have not seen it before: Palin as President: You can click on different items and things happen.


    This is what I do at work….yikes ! got to run!

  37. chefsheila

    Nanny, I can’t find anything written that said Palin didn’t want to do a skit.

  38. nannymm

    I don’t see anything either. But my husband heard it so thought I’d check it out.

  39. chefsheila

    UB!!! SO much fun!!!

  40. nannymm

    Loved it, UB, especially the red phone and “what’s behind the door.” LOL..it changes each time.

  41. nannymm

    Looks like she may have refused to do the hip hop skit.
    [audio src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/images/10/20/cnnradiopoliticalticker102008.mp3" /]

  42. chefsheila

    Oh thanks nanny……under the circumstances, I think I would have too. There is no way she would have been able to retain a degree of respectability to her constiuents, looking like a “Rapper” 🙂

  43. nannymm

    Oh, but it sure would have been HYSTERICAL!!

  44. chefsheila

    lol @ nanny…… I have to go shopping now, so I’ll check you guys later. Nanny, its been a nice morning. 🙂

  45. nannymm

    I’ve enjoyed it, Sheila!

  46. Barack Obama has opened his biggest lead yet over John McCain in Virginia. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds Obama now leading 54% to 44%. The Democrat leads 51% to 48% among men and 57% to 42% among women (see full demographic crosstabs).


  47. dnd

    Circuit City may go bankrupt. Stock is trading for under $0.40.


    Sure Best Buy outdoes them, but I can’t help wondering if the economy is hitting them hard. Best Buy share price has tanked recently too.

    Going into a recession during the holiday season is gonna hurt a lot of retailers.

    Whoever the next president is, they will need to inspire confidence to get us out of this mess.

  48. PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking from Friday through Sunday gives Barack Obama an 11 percentage point lead over John McCain in the presidential vote preferences of all registered voters, 52% to 41%.


    We are cooking!

  49. Sheila we just might see that 15 points you keep hoping for!

  50. nannymm

    Dnd, I expect to see many companies either going bankrupt or merging in the months ahead. We are facing tough times ahead and it isn’t going to be pretty. Anyone who thinks that we’ve seen the worst is going to be shocked.
    I don’t think McCain could inspire the kind of confidence that will get us through this. I feel confident that Obama can and will.

  51. nannymm

    Those polls are really looking good, brian. It just keeps getting better all the time for Barack and US!

  52. Take a look at what’s going on in NC!

    Raleigh, N.C. – Barack Obama is now out to his largest lead yet in a PPP survey of
    North Carolina, polling at 51% in the state compared to 44% for John McCain. Last
    week Obama’s advantage was 49-46.

    Click to access PPP_Release_NC_1020562.pdf

  53. dnd

    Must view about some the wacko’s for McCain, or at least against Obama:


  54. nannymm

    What do the other polls say about NC, Brian?

  55. dnd

    I fear you are right. And the corresponding unemployment numbers aren’t going to help. I think there will be a lot of people who wished they put up 123 quarts of applesauce 😉

  56. Just about every electoral projection map I’ve seen now lists NC as leaning blue.

  57. nannymm

    Dnd…I’m happy to share. 🙂

  58. nannymm

    Thanks for the link, Brian. It’s so good to see those results! I can’t wait till election night to see the final results.

  59. nannymm

    A good article about the undecideds:

    “I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?
    To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
    To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.
    I mean, really, what’s to be confused about?”


  60. McCain’s new campaign slogan:

    “Liberals, Socialist, and Terrorists, oh my!”

  61. Still working and not able to keep up with the conversation, but, update on my stolen sign: yesterday a local Obama organizer, saw my home made sign and gave me a new Obama sign, also planted signs in 3 neighbor’s yards, and replace two other stolen signs……he told me to report it to the police if it happens again.

    I told him the McCain sign were not getting stolen…..he acknowledged, he had heard that before…and kind of laughed.

  62. dnd

    Peggy Noonan on “Palin’s Failin'”


    Not a flattering portrayal.

  63. chefsheila

    dnd thanks!

    I actually sent Peggy a note. She is one of my very few Republican heroes.

    And the McCain supporters getting after that racist pig? That was a great thing to see. I am heartened by their standing up to him.

  64. nannymm

    Sheila, it’s about time! I know alot of very decent (albeit misguided..LOL) McCain supporters that would never condone such behavior. It’s too bad that so many of the jerks get the spotlight. That video dnd posted is encouraging to see. The McCain campaign worker expressed it well when he asked those racists if they were trying to lose the election for them. If this stuff continues, they’re going lose more than this election. This whole thing has gone way too far! Enough is enough!

  65. dnd

    “WASHINGTON – Momentum is building for a fresh dose of economic stimulants to boost the country out of the doldrums — perhaps by putting more money in Americans’ pockets. The White House said Monday that President Bush was open to some sort of action after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned the slump could drag on without the extra bracing tonic.”


    Humm, and who proposed an addtiional stimulant a while back 😉

  66. dnd

    Noonan is a passionate and gifted writer. I have tremendous respect for her abilities and dedication. It says something when those on the right like her are furious with the McCain campaign.

  67. chefsheila


    Ed Schultz Brought a stimulous package I could buy off on, its called “Infrastructure Recovery Package”….

  68. chefsheila

    Antidote to “Drill Baby Drill” is “Jobs Baby Jobs” being chanted to Obama and Clinton in Orlando.

    Ping! You go visit Clinton and Obama today?

  69. chefsheila

    Obama just gave Clinton the Fight on Healthcare….great!

  70. chefsheila

    Just finished with Obama on CSPAN in Orlando…..it was positively hopeful and exciting.

  71. Barack Obama now leads John McCain 49% to 44% in Missouri, according to the latest Fox News/Rasmussen Reports poll in the state.


  72. What do you mean Sheila he gave Hillary healthcare?

  73. chefsheila

    Obama just said to the orlando crowd that she understood it and that under his administration she would be the best person to help him make a great healthcare plan…..

    While she was smiling and shaking her head. It looked to me like they had agreed on something. ;0)

    The crowd enjoyed it for sure!

  74. chefsheila

    Every time I see “Rasmussen and FOX news in a poll saying Obama is ahead, it makes my day!

  75. chefsheila

    Now showing Palin in Colorado today.

  76. dnd

    Can we get a fact check on the latest McCain talking point that 40% of Americans don’t pay income taxes? Are they including children in that stat?

  77. chefsheila

    Hmm…..looky here. A very good look at some possible eleventh hour McCain Strategy…..

    McCain camp looking for way to win without Colorado

    McCain camp looking for way to win without Colorado

  78. chefsheila

    Here it comes Obama Campaign…the last piece of filthy that can be thrown…..here it comes….

    Rick Davis: Campaign Rethinking Playing The Rev. Wright Card


  79. dnd

    Palin in Loveland: “Our opponents keeping saying, ‘No, no, no’ to the energy options out there.”

    Is Palin the Amy Winehouse of the GOP?

  80. chefsheila

    dnd, Here is one attempt to get the information on the 40%….I’m still looking….

    “The Fact Checker”

    Joe the Plumber.


  81. chefsheila


    Here is a poster’s thoughts on it…..It makes sense, being Republicans talking points and greed.

    You have to factor deductions and tax credits. Haven’t you ever heard someone say they “get it all back” at the end of the year? They are paying no tax. Under an Obama plan they will now get an additional refund of money they never paid taken fromt YOUR tax money This is why you keep hearing the words, Robin Hood, Wealth distribution and welfare.

    Taxes are paid on AGI which is adjusted gross income.

  82. chefsheila

    I have to state that I have been one of those that got my taxes back. I was freakin dirt freakin poor!!! ending up at a food bank to feed my son at times.

    Don’t talk to me about NOT paying taxes because I get something back at the end of the year……

  83. dnd

    “Jobs baby jobs”

    Hillary, you nailed it.

  84. dnd

    Just because you get some of what you paid back at the end of the year doesn’t mean you’re not paying taxes. I’ve been paying income taxes since I was 16. I was particularly thrilled when Nixon instituted the wage/price freeze when I was making $1.16/hour to find out Nixon paid no income tax on his $800,000 income.

  85. chefsheila

    Well…..lol This is apparently the logic that McCain is using. My question is; does that include the approximately 30% of elderly too?

  86. chefsheila

    I really really THINK that Obama’s belief that the elderly should stop paying taxes on their retirement and social security….

  87. chefsheila

    Oh sorry, its a sound policy.

  88. dnd

    Obama’s policy is to have a threshold on which of the elderly should pay income taxes. Do I think McCain, who makes $58k/year on military disability while collecting his senate salary and benefits? You betcha, by golly.

    For those who are struggling in these hard times? No. They suffered during the Great Depression, went to war and gave the boomers the best opportunities America has seen. The deserve a break.

  89. Great story on KO about Barack Obama speaking at his old high school in 1991…….his[Obama] tune has stayed true.

    That’s the one thing my father taught me, be true to yourself.

    I like that in Barack!

  90. chefsheila

    Did you guys just see that? Olbermann’s history teacher in high school Mr Schneller was also the person in charge of guest speakers for the school?

    In the 90’s he had a 3rd year law student from Harvard come and speak on Change and how the old tired greedy ideas of the 80’s could be changed by ideals?

    had the students in rapt attention? WOW!

  91. chefsheila

    Ub,,,, again we be thinkin the same thing!

  92. chefsheila

    GO KEITH!!!! 😀

  93. Sounds like Obama’s grandmother is about to pass away.

  94. Man, I wish she could hold on, but it sounds like it’s not going to happen. He will be crushed.

    Good for him to go to her side. I hate this part of life. 😦

  95. dnd

    “That’s the one thing my father taught me, be true to yourself. ”

    Sra Burrito, if there’s one thing a parent can teach a child, that’s the best thing.

  96. chefsheila

    If this is it for Grandma, then the American people will understand and Biden will keep the momentum going.

    I bet Surrogates will step it up and if McCain plays the Rev Wright card, he’s toast!

  97. dnd, I think so too.

    Thanks for that comment. My Dad was what made my family “my family”, since his passing, it no longer exists.

  98. Yes Shelia, I believe Biden will “get up” as he likes to say, and carry the campaign forward.

  99. I can tell you from personal experience dealing with elderly ill parents is without question the worst. I believe Obama’s sister lives in Hawaii which should make things easier for all concerned.

  100. On the political point Obama has to go, imagine how the repugs would tear into him if he didn’t.

  101. chefsheila

    But they just said that Michelle will continue in his place…..thats very strong.

  102. I really love Michelle and she can stand proud and the crowds will love her…..( plus she’s smart as hell, and kinda funny, and down to earth…….okay and good looking and stylish )

    Is my bias showing?

  103. dnd

    Sra Burrito,
    “My Dad was what made my family “my family”, since his passing, it no longer exists.”

    Sounds to me it still exists. Your father has passed it on to you.

  104. Dnd, you are a sweetie…….thank you.

  105. and (dnd) actually you are correct, because my immediate family (not my family of origin) has benefited….and thrive on his teachings…..that makes me pretty dang proud……( thanks for letting me see it in that light )

  106. nannymm

    I hope McCain and his Caribou Barbie will not try to make political hay out of Obama being off the campaign trail, but I wouldn’t count on it.

  107. big risk if he does nann, very risky!

  108. chefsheila

    Yes 🙂 You should know that,…..McCain better not go after Obama’s “Nanny” or her boy while he’s lovin on her.

  109. It would be ill advise to attack at this point………

    if they do attack it will be confirmed that Republicans are the lowest of low

  110. nannymm

    Alot of crap they pull is ill advised. But that doesn’t stop them.

  111. chefsheila

    You right….but Nanny’s and illness is off limits. McCain has his limits. I bet he just sticks with the “Terrorist” angle.

    Rev Wright should be off the table though.

  112. That’s exactly what makes them republicans…good point nanny

  113. nannymm

    I don’t think the Alaskan Princess has limits.

  114. I have to go to sleep so that I can wake up tomorrow, and still not have enough time to learn my black (pink) berry.

    Next week,I am walking into those woods, and I am going to email someone from my pink berry …… even if it takes an hour.

    You guys are the best. BTW I wasn’t the biggest loser this week I had to add 2 bucks…so now I am going vegan. Wish me luck!

  115. chefsheila

    lol If you need recipes let me know

  116. sleep tight cookies!

    the night is our reward for the day

  117. nannymm

    Good night, Burrito. Sleep well!

  118. Ken Adelman is a lifelong conservative Republican. Campaigned for Goldwater, was hired by Rumsfeld at the Office of Economic Opportunity under Nixon, was assistant to Defense Secretary Rumsfeld under Ford, served as Reagan’s director of arms control, and joined the Defense Policy Board for Rumsfeld’s second go-round at the Pentagon, in 2001. Adelman’s friendship with Rumsfeld, Cheney, and their wives goes back to the sixties, and he introduced Cheney to Paul Wolfowitz at a Washington brunch the day Reagan was sworn in.

    In recent years, Adelman and his friends Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz fell out over his criticisms of the botching of the Iraq War. Still, he remains a bona-fide hawk (“not really a neo-con but a con-con”) who has never supported a Democrat for President in his life. Two weeks from now that’s going to change: Ken Adelman intends to vote for Barack Obama. He can hardly believe it himself.


  119. Thoughtful post as always Sheila.

    Lurking again, gang. I am afraid this is about the best I can do in the next few days.

    ;-)The Powell endorsement was exciting.

    ;-)McCain/Palin sound a bit hysterical with the socialism stuff. Educated people are not afraid of something that has never been tried before…be careful what you wish for!

    ;-)The national polls are tightening, and I expect the state polls will too, but stay focused bc all the battleground states are red with the possible exceptions of Washington and New Hampshire.

    ;-)REMEMBER: Kerry+Iowa+Colorado+any other state = victory.


  120. chefsheila

    Hi Steve,

    Can’t sleep.

    Listen, you are the one who is shaping young minds….not US.. Go right ahead and do your job and don’t think about us.

    I have to lay low sometimes too. All of us have to.

  121. horsedooty

    boy that Larry Eagleberger is a nasty sob this morning on MoJo.

  122. Morning peeps, what did Eagleberger do?

  123. nannymm

    He didn’t Lawrence O’donnell’s questions, did he, Doots? LD had him dead to rights on his support for Shrub.

  124. nannymm

    that should be *didn’t like*

  125. nannymm

    He basically was saying that Obama has no FP experience while McCain does and is therefore the better choice for prez. LD asked him if FP experience was what mattered, then why did he support Shrub. Eagleberger’s response was nastily dismissive.

  126. nannymm

    These repugs are looking so desperate now. Chuck Todd moved Colorado to Obama and now has him at 313, I believe it was.

  127. horsedooty

    very desperate Nanna. Very desperate.

  128. horsedooty

    did she have a frontal labodomy over the weekend and not remember what she said to Tweety? Vote her out of office.

  129. dnd

    I thought Eagleburger was senile when he was acting Sec of State (glad 41 got rid of him).

    This morning he proved it. He couldn’t remember Krushchev .

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