Crisis in Egypt

By now, we’ve all seen the riots in Egypt.  We’ve heard about what it possibly means about stability in North Africa and the Middle East.  And we’ve heard about the possible ramifications to Europe, the U.S. and Asia.

I think the takeaway is that autocracies don’t work.  Maybe for a while, but never for long.  And the ultimate result is revolution.

“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

— John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton (Lord Acton)


Filed under dnd

48 responses to “Crisis in Egypt

  1. I am proud of the Egyptians for stand-up for themselves. These greedy dictators that have been in power for years robbing from their people to appease their geed have got to go. Welcome to the future of global internet and the means to show the rest of the world that democracy works and can work for them. ZW

  2. dog's eye view

    Agree with Zach.

    And welcome.

  3. Certainly Mubarak’s days are numbered and I suspect could be counted on one hand, that being said we need to tread carefully and keep our fingers crossed that Egypt remains a secular state and it’s journey to full democracy is one that is fairly peaceful.

  4. TempeBev

    Well said, Brian. Also, welcome to Zach – visit often.

  5. it’s a bad neighborhood Bev, that last thing it needs is an unstable Egypt.

  6. dog's eye view

    PLAINS, Ga. (AP) — Former President Jimmy Carter, who brokered a peace accord between Israel and Egypt in 1978, on Sunday called the political unrest and rioting in Egypt earth-shaking and said that President Hosni Mubarak probably will have to step down.

    Carter told a Sunday school class that he teaches that the unrest is “the most profound situation in the Middle East” since he left office in 1981. He said he thinks the unrest will ease in the next week, but his “guess is Mubarak will have to leave.”

    The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reported Carter’s remarks made at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains and his spokeswoman confirmed them.

    Carter said that as Mubarak’s 30-year rule has continued, the Egyptian leader has become more politically corrupt. “He has perpetuated himself in office,” Carter said.

    Mubarak has appointed Omar Suleiman, the country’s intelligence chief, as vice president. “He’s an intelligent man whom I like very much,” Carter said of Suleiman, with whom he says he has maintained a relationship.

    “In the last four or five years when I go to Egypt, I don’t go to talk to Mubarak, who talks like a politician,” Carter said. “If I want to know what is going on in the Middle East, I talk to Suleiman. And as far as I know, he has always told me the truth.”

  7. dog's eye view

    I think Jon Stewart should have Jimmy Carter on weekly. Or at least twice a month.

    • dnd

      I agree Sra Dog. Before this whole mess is over, I’m guessing we’ll be seeing Carter play a big role in Egypt. The Clinton’s hate him, but as evidenced by past actions, they are more than willing to put past animosities aside to achieve their goals.

  8. ‘Pay China First’ — Republicans’ Wild Plan To Avoid U.S. Debt Default

    “I intend to introduce legislation that would require the Treasury to make interest payments on our debt its first priority in the event that the debt ceiling is not raised,” Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) wrote in a Friday Wall Street Journal op-ed.

    If passed, Toomey’s plan would require the government to cut large checks to foreign countries, and major financial institutions, before paying off its obligations to Social Security beneficiaries and other citizens owed money by the Treasur—-republicans-wild-plan-to-avoid-us-debt-default.php?ref=fpblg

    This may be the most stupid thing I’ve ready in quite a long time, and that’s saying something!

  9. dog's eye view

    Ouch. Enjoy some of those roasted chiles and stay warm.

    Chicago’s expecting a “life threatening” blizzard, with 18 inches of snow; maybe more.

  10. Breaking News Alert
    The New York Times
    Tue, February 01, 2011 — 8:02 AM ET

    After Protests, King Abdullah II of Jordan Dismisses Government

    Jordan’s Royal Palace says the king has dismissed his
    government in the wake of street protests and has asked an
    ex-army general to form a new cabinet, the Associated Press

    The move by King Abdullah II comes after thousands of
    Jordanians took to the streets — inspired by the regime
    ouster in Tunisia and the turmoil in Egypt — and called for
    the resignation of Prime Minister Samir Rifai, who is blamed
    for a rise in fuel and food prices and slowed political

  11. Dooty

    when you consider that the high temps here on Saturday and Sunday were in the middle 70’s, this morning’s temp of 16 is a pretty cold shock to the system. We also had freezing rain last night followed by snow. Everything is closed today. They say single digit temps for tonight. But 50’s by weekend for the Super Bowl.

    • dnd

      We were in the 60’s Friday and Saturday. It’s -8 right now and the high is suppose to be -3. Sun’s out and there’s no wind, but it’s still a little colder than I care for.

  12. dog's eye view

    Doots: how was the Brad Davis tour? Lucky you!!

  13. Dooty

    Hi Dog,

    I did not get to go. Boo Hoo. Mom had some dr’s appointments that couldn’t be changed and I was the only one able to take her. I did get to hear them on Sunday before the tour started. Incredible is the only word that works. Then after we ordered pizza and Tim and Brad played some swing stuff for about an hour. Just kinda working out tunes. very instructional if you are in that class of musician. (I am not). So, maybe I get to go next time (whenever that is).

  14. Dooty


    I don’t know the answer to that. Hope so.

  15. dog's eye view

    Rats! But glad your mom got to her appts.

    Were they playing Texas Swing?

    They doubly have to come to LA. My new favorite! (Have become a Billy Mata fan.)

  16. Dooty


    no, not Texas Swing. they were playing stuff like Herb Ellis and Wes Montgomery that sorta 40’s and 50’s swing jazz. it is mighty sophisticated stuff for some guys that are barely high school graduates.

  17. Dooty


    here is something for you. Brad is not on this part of the tour but Tim May is more than equal a singer and player as Brad. These two dates are well within your driving distance. It will be worth your while.

    Friday, February 11th, 2011
    Fullerton, California
    Workshops and Concert
    Hosted by Kevin Stevenson
    631 Elinor
    Fullerton, CA 92835
    Contact for directions: 714-441-1051
    For Reservations call: 800-413-8296
    2-hour Workshop: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
    Concert: 8:30pm
    Workshop price: $40
    Workshop plus concert price: $50
    Concert price: $15

    Sunday, February 13th, 2011
    Long Beach, CA
    Workshop and Concert
    Hosted by World of Strings
    1738 E. 7th Street
    Long Beach, CA 90813
    For Reservations and Tickets call: 562-599-3913
    3-Hour Workshop: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
    Concert: 6:00 pm
    Workshop price: $50
    Workshop plus concert price: $60
    Concert price: $15

    you don’t have to attend the workshop to attend the concert so have a good time.

  18. dog's eye view

    Thanks Doots! Can bike to the Long Beach event and Fullerton is not a far drive.

    But you and Brad still have to cruise through. Sra Doots and even Rance and Maddie Doots too.

    The pets can leave their instruments at home, to save car or plane space.

  19. dog's eye view

    How strange to log on each morning, thinking “I wonder which regime has fallen overnight.”

    Happy Groundhog Day. Snow and sleeting rain for Punxsutawney Phil, who did NOT see his shadow.

    Early end to winter.


  20. So why won’t my comment post? Is it because there is a link in it?

  21. Must be the reason since my last comment did post and it did not have a link in it.

  22. Dooty

    “Doots, if they’re playing Herb Ellis and Wes Montgomery, please suggest they look into playing Johnny Smith.

    I’d love it if Brad could bring Smith out of retirement.”

    I think they are using that style of playing to improve on their skill of what they are now playing. These guys are natural bluegrassers and that’s just how it is.

  23. dnd…

    You may have sprung it, but it isn’t here.

  24. I posted it over on TM also, I’ll go copy and paste it and see if it will post now.

  25. Trying to re post. First attempt said I posted it already and would not post it. Remove a line and making second attempt.

    This is a very good post at the link below. It says everything that needs to be said about the income discrepancy between the upper 1% and the rest of us.

  26. Well that one went through. Catch everyone later and hope everyone was safe through the storm.

  27. dog's eye view

    I don’t imagine you all want to hear that it is already Spring in Los Angeles.

    Pear blossoms out on a few streets, a few cherry buds too.

  28. Yes dog you’re right, we don’t want to hear about it!

  29. Breaking News Alert
    The New York Times
    Thu, February 03, 2011 — 8:01 PM ET

    Obama Administration Discussing Plan for Mubarak to Quit Immediately

    The Obama administration is discussing with Egyptian
    officials a proposal for President Hosni Mubarak to resign
    immediately, turning over power to a transitional government
    headed by Vice President Omar Suleiman with the support of
    the Egyptian military, administration officials and Arab
    diplomats said Thursday.

    Even though Mr. Mubarak has balked, so far, at leaving now,
    officials from both governments are continuing talks about a
    plan in which, Mr. Suleiman, backed by Sami Enan, chief of
    the Egyptian armed forces, and Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi,
    the Defense Minister, would immediately begin a process of
    constitutional reform.

    The proposal also calls for the transitional government to
    invite members from a broad range of opposition groups,
    including the banned Muslim Brotherhood, to begin work to
    open up the country’s electoral system in an effort to bring
    about free and fair elections in September, the officials

  30. dog's eye view

    Yeah, I hope Mubarak goes real soon. Fall’s too late.

    Can they move up elections?

  31. TempeBev

    I know most of you will go “Boo-Hoo” but this morning Tempe, AZ is colder than Flagstaff, AZ. My outside thermometer is 20 degrees. Flag’s temp is 30 degrees. I know most of you are dealing with many inches/feet of snow etc., so our “low” temperature is probably making you chuckle. A couple of days ago we had rolling blackouts because the power stations were effected by the cold. And, the big golf tournament had to be cancelled for a day or so because the greens were frozen. Even my hummingbird feeder was frozen. “Tough titty” some will say, it turns out we all have our weather burdens – some not so bad as others, but it’s still cold.

  32. I was sympathetic till you said they canceled the golf tournament .


  33. Dooty

    still below 32f here but close at 30f. We had another snow last night and in the morning. About 6″ or so. Roads were slicker this AM than when it was just ice. I am ready for spring.

  34. Dooty

    my daughter is going I think she is in San Antonio right now working but I think she is driving back up tomorrow. I really don’t want to go. I have a good couch and I can watch in my underalls.

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