Wall of Shame

Check out our newest feature, our Wall Of Shame, and please by all means send in your nominations for the wall, I’m sure there is someone out there who’s mug you’d  like to see added!


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52 responses to “Wall of Shame

  1. Looks like we’ll be crossing the 90,000 hits mark today.

  2. MEL GIBSON DIVORCE: Wife Files Papers In Split


    But I thought the church opposed divorce.

  3. dnd

    Speaking of Catholics, Obama will be speaking at Georgetown University in about two hours.

  4. dnd

    Andy Martin might qualify (actually over qualify) for the hall of shame:

    “Thank you President George W. Bush for rescuing Captain Richard Phillips”


  5. nannymm

    The right wing loonies should find a new name for their teabag protest. Check out this definition in the Urban Dictionary. LMAO!! They are so stupid!!

  6. dnd

    More from Andy Martin:

    “This is our first preliminary letter to update you and advise you if you wish to either (1) financially support the new investigative trip or (2) join the team in Hawai’i or (3) do both.

    If funded, “Operation Aloha Obama II” will launch in Honolulu on May 9th and conclude on May 14th.”

    He’s trying to get donors to support a trip to Hawaii so he can investigate Obama’s birth certificate.

    Doh! I wish I would have thought of that. Nothin’ sweeter that getting wingnuts to pay for your vacation to Hawaii 😉

  7. horsedooty

    so this deal is called “Operation Aloha Obama II”. Begs the question, What was the outcome of “Operation Aloha Obama I”?

  8. dnd

    Funny you should ask Doots:

    “Last October, “Operation Aloha Obama” was spectacularly successful and even drew mainstream media attention. In the middle of our investigation, Obama announced plans to bring his entourage back to Honolulu.

    With a proven record of past success we are now asking for your immediate help.”


  9. Of course, the wall should include Rush, Billo, Newt, Glenn, and the entire Fox News Team.

    Nanny, that was more information than I needed from the Urban Dictionary — LOL!!!

  10. nannymm

    eprof2, It is a bit much, isn’t it? But damn! Those repugs just have no idea what they are saying!

  11. Bev go to youtube and find a Rick Warren vid you’d like to me to post to the wall, and send it to me using the form on the page.

  12. Maybe they do!?! I’ve always thought the Repugs were a little kinky — maybe a lot kinky!

  13. nannymm

    LOL! Good point, eprof2. After all, they do seem to get into more than their share of “compromising” situations.

  14. Is there anything that could be more unattractive than kinky repugs?


  15. So well put, Nanny. Almost lost my coffee on the line of the day!

  16. Palin’s AG Pick Defended KKK Statue, Mocked Offended Student

    Wayne Anthony Ross has come under intense scrutiny since the Alaska Governor and former vice presidential candidate announced his nomination. His resume includes derogatory remarks about homosexuals, accusations of sexism, and bizarre comments downplaying the fallout of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. But his most controversial incident may have come in December 1991, when he penned an op-ed for the Anchorage Times, a copy of which was obtained by the Huffington Post (see below), entitled “KKK ‘art’ project gets ‘A’ for courage.”


    Sarah the gift that keeps on giving.

  17. dnd

    70 years ago today Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath” was first published…

  18. dnd

    “Former Qwest chief executive Joe Nacchio was driven in a dark SUV with tinted windows to a federal prison today in Pennsylvania for the start of a six-year term.

    Nacchio, convicted of illegal insider trading in 2007, was in the back seat, according to a source. ”


  19. Obama Agrees: Franken Won The Most Votes


    It’s beginning to look like the Dems are going to start ramping up the pressure for Coleman to get out. I have a feeling Franken will be seated in about two weeks.

  20. When they walking the dog out in front of the cameras?

  21. Tax Day Tea Parties Officially Endorsed By Republican Party


    Really dump, it’s only going to be the ugliest of the ugly that is going to show up for the teabagging.

  22. horsedooty

    just heard Ron Paul on MSNBC what an imbecile. The US dodged a big bullet by ignoring him.

  23. horsedooty

    Bo Obama is making his first press conference right now on MSNBC. Very cute mutt.

  24. Yeah I saw ron paul ,talk about a bad case of cranky old man syndrome!

  25. nannymm

    Looks like Jesse Jackson, Jr. may be implicated in this Blago mess.
    As for Ron Paul, you nailed it, Doots. He’s an imbecile. From what I heard on MSNBC (not sure which show specifically) this tea party thing was originally started by his supporters. Guess they are imbeciles, too. 🙂

  26. New addition to the wall, great vid put out by media matters

  27. nannymm

    Just looked at the new entry. It’s hard to know what to say. Obama is addicting us to heroin???? WOW! Glenn Beck is more delusional than I thought. And more dangerous.

  28. Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism


    Why am not surprised!

  29. I think Beck needs to stop channeling Aimee Semple McPherson

  30. dnd

    Ok, Ron Paul is not an idiot. He’s a physician. He’s passionate. He’s a cranky old man. But he stands on principle. He’s not one of the immoral, unethical sell-outs that seem to be populating the current leaders of the Republican party. He has some interesting ideas. Not sure I agree with any of them, but at least he has some interesting ideas, which is a damn site better than the rest of the party of “no.”

    Full disclosure, didn’t see him on MSNBC.

  31. I agree he’s not an idiot, crazy as the day is long though, and while I can’t say without doubt if he’s a racist or not, he certainly supports racist, anti-female and anti-poor policies.

  32. nannymm

    OK, dnd. I stand corrected. Ron Paul is not an idiot. He’s just nuts. And I agree with Brian; if he isn’t a racist himself, well then, he certainly supports racists and misogynists.

  33. horsedooty

    maybe, I was saying that he is an imbecile politically… Ok, sure, that’s what I meant. I believe his ideas would exacerbate the problems the US has now. I have not seen anything he has proposed that IMO would even remotely work.

  34. nannymm

    What Doots said. 😉

  35. dnd

    Ron Paul = principled cranky old man
    Pat Buchanan = unprincipled cranky old man

    World of difference…

  36. Oh I’ve never said Ron Paul was unprincipled, I wish he was, it’s his principles I don’t like!

  37. horsedooty

    Don’t we speak English anymore in the US?

    Yesterday I was waiting my turn to see my Prim/Care Dr and next to me was a pleasant woman that was more than willing to share the fact that her husband was a PTSD vet. (Those guys are scary enough without the old lady telling everything she knows about him roughing her up and being an aloholic) Oh, and he is in the early stages of PROSTRATE cancer. She went on and on mispronouncing prostate for about 15 min. Fortunately, I was called and got to miss the rest of her rant about socialized medicine.

  38. nannymm

    Sounds like fun, Doots. Good thing your wait was only 15mins.

  39. Boy Keith is really working the teabag puns!


  40. horsedooty


    I was so distracted by the word prostrate that missed a lot of what she was saying.

  41. careful there doots, you don’t want to end sounding like a cranky old white guy, Ron Paul has filled that role!


  42. K.O. just pushed a great big PUMA button!

  43. horsedooty

    I am an old cranky white guy. Mostly I am two outta three though.

  44. Nanny: Did you send your Urban Dictionary find to KO? He seemed to be smurking each and every time he used the “teabag” word.

  45. News Alert: U.S. Drawing Up Plans to Disclose Conditions of Biggest Banks

    WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is drawing up plans to
    disclose the conditions of the 19 biggest banks in the
    country, according to senior administration officials, as it
    tries to restore confidence in the financial system without
    unnerving investors.

  46. Hey we crossed the 90,000 mark!

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