Tag Archives: Michelle Bachmann

Repugs Through The Looking Glass


Well it seems that the repugs have settled on the tact of attempting to paint the president as being  anti-business.  Repeatedly this seems to be the refrain being sung by the more rabid idiots who  dominate what the GOP has turned into since the election of Barack Obama.   You’d think Frank Luntz could come up with a more creditable cast of characters to sell what ever crap he’s decided to try and sell on any given week.  This pretty much does seem to be the repug war strategy as of late, throw some shit on the wall and see if it sticks, if doesn’t, which more times than not it doesn’t, get a new pile of shit and see if you can get that to stick.  But I digress.  Does it make sense to anyone that a president who saved GM, saved Chrysler, saved the American insurance and banking industry and kept the economy from nose diving over a cliff being painted as being anti-business?


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Dumb & Dumber, The Road Show



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Mean girls of the GOP (probably the first in a series)



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And here we thought no one could take Charlton Heston’s place!


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Wall of Shame

Check out our newest feature, our Wall Of Shame, and please by all means send in your nominations for the wall, I’m sure there is someone out there who’s mug you’d  like to see added!


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