Spring is Here!

Spring starts on March 20th.  Yee Haw!  It’s been a rough winter nationwide, but the crocus are up through the snow, the weather is warming up, and folks are cleaning off their outdoor grills.  But most importantly, baseball is seasons is underway!



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32 responses to “Spring is Here!

  1. tempebev

    And the Cubbies are having a great time in their new $tadium in Mesa AZ

  2. Yippee. Thank you for the breath of fresh thread.

    Cold as ice in NoVA; high winds all night; 21 degrees at sunrise. This after yesterday up to dinnertime was temperate — flip flops and sweater weather. Then the cold front arrived.

    But I do agree, Spring is on its way. Go b-ballers and spring flowers.

  3. tempebev

    I can’t believe the rep house and the lengths they will go to show their hatred. I guess I can, but it’s really nauseating. The house passed a bipartisan bill that would fix payments to physicians BUT they had to slip in an amendment that would hold up part of the ACA. So it’s up to the senate to try and fix, or start over. They just can’t think of anyone but themselves.

  4. Full moon tonight. Last full moon of Winter 2014.

    Happy almost St. Patrick’s Day to y’all. Snow on the menu for here. (Yay!)

  5. Snowing this very minute. Not sticking yet, though. Dueling with self over whether to venture out for corned beef and cabbage to prepare for tomorrow. Hmmmm…. whatchyou guys up to tonight?

    • Rainy and in the 50s here. I’m chillin and planning on watching Cosmos tonight, then I’m going to hit the sack.

      • dnd

        Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone. Forget the green beer. Support Guinness. They’re pulling their sponsorship of the Boston and NYC parade because they won’t allow gays to march.

        p.s. Guinness has about the same calories per ounce as Miller Lite. This is a no-brainer for me 😉
        p.p.s. Sam Adams and Heineken have also pulled their sponsorship.

  6. tempebev

    Cosmos is a great new/old show. Love Neil deGras Tyson.

    • dnd

      Cosmology is an incredibly complex science. The brilliance of Tyson and Sagan before him is the ability to present this subject to the lay person. Great show.

  7. tempebev

    You mean that the solar system really is more than 6,000 years old? Oh my, things are a-changin’. Whatever will I do now?

  8. Today was doots’ 69th bday.

  9. Thank you, Brian and dnd.

    Doots should get to live ’til 85 at least, and be telling good stories and appreciating fine guitars.

    Such a good, good man and character. I am still in shock that he is gone so suddenly. He was a young 67.

  10. We have a crocus up. Count it. One.

    • dnd

      Sra Dog,
      A few crocus are up here. On this first weekend of spring we’re getting snow and cold. Springtime in the Rockies!

  11. VCU Rams out of NCAA tournament way early. 😦 Shaka Smart’s post-season wind-down begins too soon.

    Warren Buffett’s not likely to be writing any big checks to b-ball fans any time soon, huh?

    • dnd

      Colorado Buffs lost big time in the first round. I heard this morning that all of the millions of brackets submitted to Buffett’s challenge have failed. That’s why he’s a gazillionaire and I’m not.

  12. tempebev

    Spring training ends with the final games on Sat. Hope people leave on Sunday because I’m catching an 8:45 flight on Sat. morn.

    • dnd

      Darrell Issa says the IRS investigation is complete partisan bullshit to attack the President and he’ll end the hearings today.

      April Fools!

  13. tempebev

    Back from $$$ land and $$$ hotel in La Jolla CA. I’m staying in Tempe, AZ!!

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