Tag Archives: Electoral College

Faithless Electors

Pawnee National Grasslands

Pawnee National Grasslands

The real election wasn’t on November 8th.  It’s on December 19th when the Electors meet to cast their vote.  The Electoral College came about because back in the day communication was slow.  It’d take a week to travel by horseback from New Hampshire to D.C. to say how the state voted and taking a week off was a hardship for most.  So they decided that they’d send a wise elder to D.C. to let them know how the state voted.  But if the wise elder thought a lot of his state were a bunch of misinformed dumb-asses he was free to vote for whom ever he thought was best.

So given that Hillary won the popular vote, the protests in the streets, the fact that Trump looked like someone who was way in over his head after he met with President Obama, the facts that there was serious voter suppression and that the exit polls didn’t match the results in swing states, the alt-right wackos being proposed for his cabinet and staff, a SCOTUS that will impact us for at least a generation and that he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobeic, lying pig who will wreak havoc world-wide,  it’s possible that some electors might think that for the good of the country they must vote for Clinton.

If you want to let them know how you feel sign the petition at Change.org:



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Hey Chuck Todd, what the hell?, by BrianInNYC

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I for one am really started to wonder just how much MSNBC is cooking the books to keep the notion of this election being a horse race alive.  Earlier this week with much fanfare MSNBC debuted their electoral college projection map.  As the map and numbers came on the screen my first response was “what the fuck?”.  Since I check out the other online projection maps daily  I knew there was something wrong with MSNBC’s projection, to call it conservative is an understatement at best.  Look at the MSNB numbers compared to other projections available (as of 4/06/08):

Poll Obama McCain Toss up
MSNBC 210 189 139
Pollster.com 284 157 97
VoteFromAboard.org 289 236 13

RCP Electoral College
238 163 137
Zogby Electoral
College Map
273 146 119

Also why doesn’t MSNBC like the other projections tell us the source of their data is?   I leave it for you to decide is MSNBC cooking the books for entertainment value or are their numbers to be trusted?


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